Members have been using the BRS online booking system for some time now and it has proved to have been very successful. Due to the Covid 19 golf clubs are following guidelines set out by the GUI/ILGU for the return to golf. As part of the return to competitions protocols the club will have to ensure that payment for all competitions will be conducted electronically. The men’s and ladies committees endorsed by the management committee have as a result implemented the BRS Purse system for payment of all competitions. It is a very simple and easy to use system. The member will be able to go to his/her account, log in and lodge funds to their BRS account. When that member goes to enter a competition as normal on the BRS system the funds in their account will be debited to pay the entry fee. If that member is booking a time for another member then the other member must also be in credit at the time of booking, otherwise the booking for the additional member will not be made. Charges are only applied to a members’ competition purse after the competition is completed. The player has the option to cancel a booking up to 6pm on the day before the competition where no fee will be deducted.
The system has many advantages for the club and they are as follows;
● It’s easy to use
● It will be convenient
● It will ensure the safety of members and committee members
● It will reduce cash reconciliations and cash handling for committee members. Currently all banks charge for lodgement of change.
● It will save time at sign in.
● A full account history for members to check their balances and transaction history is available.
Q. When is the BRS purse system coming into use?
A. The system will be in place for all club competitions from June 8th 2020.
Q. How do I lodge funds to my BRS account?
A. Simply go to the book a tee time on the club website and log into your BRS account. The following link will also take you to the site Login and go to the menu under your name and click on “competition purse”. From there flow the instructions.
There is a more detailed instructions link at the end of this post.
Q. Can I use cash to top up lodge funds to my BRS account?
A. Unfortunately at this time the clubhouse is closed and the only way of lodging money is by using a debit/credit card online.
Q. Can I lodge funds to my partner’s account?
A. No. You can only top up your own account online.
Q. Will I be able to see what funds are in my account?
A. Yes. When you log into your booking page your balance will be displayed clearly
Q. Once I have topped up my account how will I enter a competition?
A. You will book into a competition exactly the same way. The only way this may not happen if there are insufficient funds in your account.
Q. If I make a booking and decide not to play will my account be debited?
A. You are free of course to cancel a booking at any time. If you cancel before 6pm on the day before you will not be charged for the competition entry. Anyone who cancels after that will be charged. The competition fee may be reimbursed to a member who cannot play due to exceptional circumstance at the discretion of the committee.
Q. Why is there a cut off time for cancellations?
A. The committee has implemented this policy due to the increasing number of “no shows” on competition days. These “no shows” deprive the club of much needed revenue and also deprive other members of the opportunity to play in competitions.
Q. Can I enter the competition after 6pm on the day beforethe competition?
A. Yes. Members are free to enter the competition at any time up to tee off. The 6pm deadline only refers to the cancellation policy.
Q. Is the entry fee deducted from my account at the time of booking?
A. No. The entry fee is only deducted after the competition has been completed. This will be carried out by the committee member closing the competition at the results stage.
Q. Can I cancel my booking and make another booking for the same competition before the closing time without being charged
A. You can make as many amendments as you wish before the 6pm deadline and you will only be charged once.
Q. What happens if the competition is cancelled do I get my money back?
A. Monies are only transferred from your account once the competition has been completed. If a competition has not been completed then no money will be taken from your account.
Q. What is the position of the money in my account?
A. All funds remain the property of the member. The relevant funds are deducted and transferred to the club only after the completion of the competition. Any monies left in the account at the end of the year are carried forward into a new year.
A members BRS account must be in credit to allow a member to book a round in a club competition.
Members are free to cancel a booking until 6pm on the day before the competition without being charged. Any cancellations after that time will incur the competition entry fee charges. This will avoid “no shows” depriving other members’ the opportunity to play.
Members can lodge funds or top up at any time online. This will be reviewed after June 29th when the clubhouse will reopen.
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